Axis & Allies BoardGaming Product Reviews
Like what you purchased? Tell us about it!
Product reviews are a great way to communicate with other prospective buyers who might be on the fence about a particular product. Help us bring them into the A&ABG family by leaving honest and accurate feedback on items you’ve purchased.
All you have to do is click the “write review” link at the bottom of any product page.
It’s simple and easy to leave feedback. Just enter your name, title and comments.
Internet Reviews
Publicity is hard to come by on the internet, and when you do receive it, the best form of endorsement is word of mouth praise. Few people devote the energy to leaving a review because this takes time and effort yet it can be a powerful motivator and reinforces the brand.
So I am asking you to leave reviews! If you leave a positive review on website or Facebook site and send me the link, I will give you a $5.00 store credit to be used on your next purchase. Only one discount will be offered per 30 day period. After 30 days you become eligible for another credit. Send an email with a Subject line of "Product Review" to and include your name and link.
I also ask that if you had a negative experience in some way, to engage us here directly for resolution before publishing a one-sided negative review.
Where do I leave a review?
Below are A&A related gamins sites that I’m a member of. I’m sure you can find others and feel free to use them.
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Facebook sites
Custom Combat Miniatures -
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Everything Axis and Allies -
What do I say?
Identify the products you are reviewing and state what you appreciate about them. Providing pictures always helps. You can compare and contrast items. Demonstrate how you use the products in your game – do you give them special characteristics? Add any anecdotal stories, like do you children like to play with the game pieces? Also talk about the buying experience. Were my status updates helpful? Did I resolve problems in a timely manner?
I’m a small hobbyist miniature model maker. I do not do this for a living (I already have a full time IT job). I do this for fun. Being small means I’m barely noticeable on the internet or forum sites. Any positive feedback you can leave will greatly improve my exposure to the gaming community and I do appreciate your efforts!