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US - M4 Sherman Tank x 3

Product Details

  • US - M4 Sherman Tank x 3
  • DFuTXGc
  • $12.50 inc. tax

    $12.50 ex. tax
    ? Tax based on California, United States.

  • Units in Stock: 8

US - M4 Sherman Tank x 3 Summary

The M4 Sherman was the most widely used medium tank by the United States in World War II. The M4 Sherman proved to be reliable, relatively cheap to produce, and available in great numbers. It was also the basis of several successful tank destroyers, such as the M10, Achilles and M36. Tens of thousands were distributed through the Lend-Lease program to the British Commonwealth and Soviet Union. Interestingly, the tank’s nickname was coined by the British. 

The M4 Sherman evolved from the M3 Medium Tank and it retained much of the previous mechanical design. One unusual feature not found on other tanks, was a one-axis gyrostabilizer, that kept the gun reticle on target, so that when the tank stopped to fire, the gun would be aimed in roughly the right direction.

At the time of it’s design the M4 Sherman had superior armor and armament than German and Italian light and medium tanks fielded in 1939–42. This led the US Army to believe the M4 would be adequate to win the war, with little need for further tank development. The M4 itself was upgraded constantly and provided a chassis for many other tank destroyers and ancillary vehicles. The M4 however was quickly outclassed when new German designs were introduced. A successful British upgrade called the Sherman Firely, was fitted with a more effective gun. 

The Sherman outlived WW2 and saw action in several regional conflicts including the Korean War, the Arab–Israeli wars, the Vietnam War, and the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.

Sold in sets of 3 tanks.
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