These are 3D printed capitol city and victory city markers from The cities are captured as unique caricatures and beautifully rendered...
Set of 10 capitol markers for the Axis & Allies board gaming system by GamingStar. The pieces are created in a highly detailed light grey resin. The set...
Set of 9 pieces representing famous military commanders of WWII. Pieces are scaled to be compatible with the Axis & Allies board game. Each piece is approximately...
Set of 8 pieces representing generals and admirals of the major powers in WW2. Pieces are scaled to be compatible with the Axis & Allies board game. Each...
These are 3D terrain pieces made exclusively for the A&A experience from Take your game to the next level with beautifully crafted,...
Set of 5 victory city markers for the Axis & Allies board gaming system by EBard Models. The pieces are created in a highly detailed light grey plastic...
Set of 7 victory city markers for the Axis & Allies board gaming system by EBard Models. The pieces are created in a highly detailed light grey resin....